The Condition Management Programme could help you if you have a health condition which affects your ability to work, return to work or to stay in work.
CMP is a voluntary programme facilitated by healthcare professionals, such as Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Mental Health Nurses. Our aim is to help you to manage your health condition to enable you to stay in work, return to work or find employment.
CMP could help you If, as a result of your health you are:
In Work but struggling to stay in work and need support in managing your health
Off Work for up to 12 weeks
On Benefits and not working at present
On other DFC programmes - e.g. Workable (NI) or Access to Work (NI) etc
Participation on CMP is entirely voluntary so it will NOT affect your benefits.
Working together with the CMP healthcare professionals you will:
Initially a member of the CMP team will contact you by phone to discuss the programme and see if the timing is right for you.
If you both decide that CMP could be useful, then you will work together to agree an individual action plan specific to your health needs.
You may be offered 1:1 sessions in person, by phone or virtually and may also have the opportunity to participate in group workshops.
You can contact your local CMP office directly by phone or email.
You can ask to be referred by your Work Coach at the local Jobs and Benefits office.
You can also be referred by your GP or healthcare professional.
Download the leaflet below to obtain contact details.