
Control Measures

How do employers control the risk from noise? Like controls from a risk assessment the best control is elimination.

  • Replace/remove noisy machinery.
  • Remove people from the process.
  • Implement a low noise purchasing policy.




If the source can’t be eliminated, then you must consider engineering controls.

  • Avoid ‘impact’ noise – metal on metal, dropping materials.  Use impact damping materials or reduced ‘drop’ heights.
  • Damp vibrating machinery – consider fitting rubber mounts.
  • Isolate the equipment from the employee – install booths.

Disrupt the noise reaching workers.

  • Install barriers and screens to block noise.
  • Protect the workers by applying distance between them and the noise source.
  • Install enclosures to prevent the spread of noise.

Modifying the workplace.

  • Install noise absorbing materials on surfaces such as walls and ceilings to reduce noise reverberation (but do not increase the fire risk with poor positioning and choice of materials).
  • Redesign the workflow to reduce workers exposure to noise.

PPE (hearing protection) should always be the last resort once all other alternatives have been exhausted or to tackle the immediate risk until other measures can be implemented.

Further guidance is available at the links below

The Workplace Health Leadership Group Northern Ireland Partners are:
  • Northern Ireland Safety Group
  • Build Health
  • BOHS
  • HSE NI
  • EHNI
  • HSC Public Health Agency
  • Congress
  • IOSH NI Branch