
Health Effects

Legionellosis is a collective term for the diseases caused by legionella bacteria. It includes the most serious, Legionnaires’ disease, as well as the similar but less serious conditions of Pontiac fever and Lochgoilhead fever.

Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal pneumonia-like illness, with no known vaccine. It is not known to spread from person to person. The symptoms of Legionnaires' disease are similar to the symptoms of the flu and include:

  • high temperature, feverishness and chills
  • cough
  • muscle pains
  • headache
  • pneumonia
  • diarrhoea and signs of mental confusion






Pontiac and Lochgoilhead fever are less serious conditions with milder flu-like symptoms.

Although everyone is susceptible to infection by breathing in legionella bacteria, the risk increases with age and some people are at higher risk than others including:

  • people over 45 years of age
  • smokers and heavy drinkers
  • people suffering from chronic respiratory or kidney disease
  • people with diabetes, lung and heart disease
  • anyone with an impaired immune system





People inhale the bacteria when it spreads in small droplets of water suspended in the air (aerosols).

The health risks from legionella bacteria are insignificant when growth of the bacteria and exposure to aerosols are adequately controlled.

The Workplace Health Leadership Group Northern Ireland Partners are:
  • Northern Ireland Safety Group
  • Build Health
  • BOHS
  • HSE NI
  • EHNI
  • HSC Public Health Agency
  • Congress
  • IOSH NI Branch