Covid-19 self-isolation: Which rules apply where?06 April 2022
The BBC has an updated article on COVID the self-isolation rules in Northern Ireland, the Republic and the rest of the UK.Read the article.PHA also produce a pdf poster outlining how to end self-isola...
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Managing Work-related Stress - The Line Managers Role 24 March 2022
In this 18 minute clip (part 1 of 3) David Beck, Mental Wellbeing at Work Advisor at HSENI presents on adopting a better approach to health and a business case for managing work-related stress....
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Work Well Live Well Initiative 17 March 2022
The Public Health Agency funded Work Well Live Well initiative invites new organisations to sign up for its free Health Wellbeing Support Service. Now in its 5th year the initiative has supported ove...
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Returning to the office09 March 2022
Work psychologist Patricia Murray joined Claire Byrne on RT Radio 1 to discuss what people should expect from their colleagues, their bosses and an office space that isnt the kitchen table.Read the ar...
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WHLG funds web hosting for farming mental health website23 February 2022
HSENI and Rural Support developed this interactive website to help farming community deal with stress.The new website is entirely confidential, and was developed with the help of ...
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New obesity prevention campaign launched03 February 2022
The Public Health Agencys new Choose to live better Making healthier choices campaign is running to encourage adults who are overweight or obese, to make healthier choices that will help to reduce wei...
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New smoking in private vehicles regulations22 January 2022
From 1 February 2022, it will be illegal to smoke in an enclosed private vehicle when:children and young people aged under 18 are in the vehiclethere is more than one person in the vehicle.It will als...
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HSE assessment tools for Musculoskeletal Disorders 13 January 2022
Northern Ireland Safety Group recently hosted a webinar when Matt Birtles, Principal Ergonomics Consultant, HSEs Science and Research Centre talked about assessment tools for Musculoskeletal Disorders...
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Condition Management Programme update24 November 2021
The Condition Management Programme helps you manage your health condition to allow you to progress towards, move into and stay in employment. The programme is led by healthcare professionals, such as ...
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COVID-19 booster vaccination - who is eligible09 November 2021
Final advice on booster vaccines has been issued by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI).Booster vaccines will be offered to:those living in residential care homes for older adul...
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BOHS Ventilation tool03 November 2021
BOHS and HSE develop free ventilation tool to help limit the transmission of Covid-19 in workplacesThe British Occupational Hygiene Society, a scientific charity and the Chartered Society for Worker H...
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Announcing the Occupational Health Risk Navigator12 October 2021
A new tool has been launched by the Workplace Health Leadership GroupCalled the Occupational Health Risk Navigator it is designed to aid understanding of health risks within the workplace.Currently co...
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World Suicide Prevention day on 10th September 202116 September 2021
As part of World Suicide Prevention day on 10th September 2021 the young persons suicide prevention charity Papyrus ( launched a 90 second animated video.Called Sinking Feel...
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Shingles08 September 2021
A recent blog from Health Assured talks about employees, work and shingles.It answers the question Should employees with shingles come to work? as well as giving other general information about the co...
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Covid/Long Covid advice booklets 03 September 2021
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) produces Covid/Long Covid advice booklets for both managers and workers.Download both at the links below....
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HSENI - Asbestos campaign25 August 2021
Do support HSENIs latest Asbestos Campaign.Please download their a3 poster below and display in your premises.Watch their TV advert - Always ask for the asbestos register....
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