Metal Working Fluids

Health Effects

Inhalation of metal working fluid (MWF) mist or vapour can increase the risk of respiratory disease. The greatest risk of respiratory disease occurs when working with water-mix MWF.

Breathing in MWF mist or vapour can cause the following respiratory health conditions:

Occupational asthma - Breathing in mist or vapour of MWF has been strongly associated with the development of occupational asthma. Symptoms may include coughing, wheezing and chest tightness. A person may have been at their place of work for weeks, months or even years before they start having asthma symptoms. Existing asthma symptoms can also be made worse by breathing in bacteria and fungi that can grow in MWFs.

Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA) or hypersensitivity pneumonitis - exposure to contaminated metal working fluid (MWF) has been responsible for workplace outbreaks of EAA in the US over the last 15 years, and more recently also in the UK. Symptoms can include fever, cough, weight loss and an increasing shortness of breath.

Irritation of the respiratory tract - irritation to the nose and throat can be caused by breathing in MWF mist and vapour.

The Workplace Health Leadership Group Northern Ireland Partners are:
  • Northern Ireland Safety Group
  • Build Health
  • BOHS
  • HSE NI
  • EHNI
  • HSC Public Health Agency
  • Congress
  • IOSH NI Branch